10 Ways To Lose Weight Naturally

If one is trying to lose a few pounds, do not start by trying to overhaul both exercise and eating habits. One is better off finding the simple things that can be done on a daily basis-while following the rules of eating less fats, doing physical exercises and more vegetables. A combination of the above will scale down one’s weight in no time. The following are the simple things that will help tone down one’s weight:

Drink lots of fluids. At breakfast, take juice or soda but during the day, take pure water. On average, an American usually consumes 245 calories from drinks on daily basis which adds up to 90,000 calories per year. It results in addition of 25 pounds from soft drinks. The study also proved that soft drinks do not trigger as sense of fullness like water and food. To avoid this, take pure water as often as possible.

Carry a palm-book for a whole week fulltime. List down everything consumed-even sweets. Studies show that persons that include this exercise in their daily life reduce the foods they consume by 15% hence being a good candidate for weight loss.

Clip a pedometer to your belt. A pedometer is used to count number of steps a person makes in a timely duration. On average, sedentary persons walk 2,000 steps. An addition of 2,000 steps on daily basis will reduce your weight or maintain it. Keep adding steps until you get the desired weight.

Add about 10% ofcalories on daily basis. Adjust your eating habits to include 10% more calories which are more useful to your body and reduce consumption of extra fat adding foods.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSPfRahPTgeQ5k_Im-imWlbMPcVKYWubMPdwm-uphDp5EheghzyEat several small meals instead of a single big meal. A South African case study showed that persons who eat a single meal eats more and gains more calories that a person eating several small meals. This was because the body reduces insulin level which triggers hunger.

Walk for 45 minutes daily. A study showed that a 30-minutes walk on a daily basis helps maintain body weight while any additional walking time reduces weight. The 45-minutes walk would help reduce around 30 pounds annually.

Eat fat releasing foods. The foods prevent one from feeling deprived and give you energy. The released energy is used up by the body hence not making your body require more energy from outside.

Reduce intake ofhigh-calorie foods. Reduce eating chips by combining each bite with a lot of fresh salsa as suggested by Jeff Novick. High calorie foods should always accompany your diet if you want to lose weight.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQWsRhP2fLHWYQ88fCf_wqF947yYwSFDeqZleYRoNsrzo8qQvy9fQFind an online-weight-loss buddy. A study shows that online buddy programs helps one reduce weight in comparison to face-to face-programs. This idea was conducted on voluntary members for over 18 months.

Bring blue color around you. Blue color kills appetite and that’s why most eateries are painted in warm colors like orange, red, and yellow. The warm colors increases appetite hence one should avoid warm colors and keep near dull colors like blue.

People gain weight for all sorts of reasons from medical, lifestyle, to family history. Would you want to know why and how do people gain weight?

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